It is an eye specialty that focuses on plastic surgery of the structures in and around the eyes including eyelids, orbit, tearducts, orbit and face. It includesreconstructive and corrective surgeries of these delicate structures. Cosmetic enhancement of eyelid and surrounding areas is also part of the specialty. An oculoplastic surgeon understands the intimate details of eye, eyelids and facial region around the eye and is trained for these delicate surgeries unlike plastic surgery alone. It requires fine, precise and finessed handling of the eye structures.
Our Oculoplastic Surgery and Orbit service provides cutting edge treatment thatrepairs congenital and acquired defects of eyelids, socket, orbit, tear ducts andface. Rejuvenating the eyes and face aiming to restore natural appearance and,improve cosmesis. Our service is also dedicated to reconstruction of damaged eye
structures due to trauma and disease.
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